That Was Then

It’s amazing to come across a 1963 Parade magazine called “63’s Fabulous Family Adventure!” This book was dragged out of the archives because MMC Materials Company wanted an ad in retrospect to promote that they have been members since the 1960’s, when the Home Builders Association of Jackson (HBAJ) was incorporated.
Looking through, there are still many similarities, but of course, many differences as well. The concept of the Parade is exactly the same. The purpose is to sell newly constructed homes for our home builder members. The Parade is a promotional tool that gives our home builder members very valuable exposure to consumers, while selling features of their home. Even in the 1960’s, HBAJ home builders were marketing-minded. Quite a few of the builder’s names are familiar, in that most of their sons are home builder members today, (Duran Homes, Kirkland Development, Shoemaker Homes, among others). We also have many Associate member companies that are still going strong, including Frierson-Bailey, MMC Materials, Delta Industries and Atmos Energy (Mississippi Valley Gas), to name a few.
Also, similar features of the Parade include the heavy support of our HBAJ Associate members (supplier companies of the construction industry). Many ads in the 1963 book, were actually well designed, keeping the message very clear and clean, however, art was limited to line drawings and hand drawn logos.

This Is Now

Fast forward to Today. The differences are very interesting. Back then all Parade tours were located immediately surrounding the downtown Jackson area, while today, most construction is taking place in Madison & Rankin counties. Builders of the 60’s wore suits and ties to pose for photos. Today, our builders are busier than ever, doing many of the details themselves, answering calls on their cells, many using Social Media to engage their buyers.
Even the way homes are showcased today is an event of its own. Today, buyers have immediate access to new construction right in the palm of their hands. New technology, like Drone photography and video, have given the builder a way of showing new perspectives of their homes for the general public. We have come a long way from simple line drawings and hand drawn images.
Through all the years, the concept remains the same for home builders – create an event and prospective homes buyers will come to (whether in person or online). Because people love to look at new homes, new products to make their life easier and new trends to keep up with the “Jones”. That will never change.